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Introduction >Introduction to Python Master Class
Course content
Python Master Class
- Setting up Python environment
- First Program in Python - Display Output on Console
- First Program in Python - Display Output on Console - Implementation
- Lab Manual: Python Installation
- Lab Manual: Installing Visual Studio Code and Configuring Extensions
- Lab Manual: Displaying Name, City, and Location on Console in Python
- Coding Challenges for Practice
- Module 02 - Self Assessment
- IF Condition in Python
- Multiple IF Conditions
- Boolean Expressions and Comparison Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Numerical Comparison Operators - Working Example
- IF - Else Block
- Mutiple Else-IF - Elif Blocks
- Understanding the Problem of Multiple Conditions
- Lab Manual: Simple Conditional Statements
- Coding Challenges for Practice
- Nested If Statements
- AND Logical Operator
- Logical Gates and Truth Table
- Logical Operators - Working Example
- Complex Boolean Conditions
- Complex Boolean Conditions with Multiple IFs
- Logical Operators Precedence
- Conditional Statements Roll Up
- Lab Manual: Complex Conditional Statements
- Coding Challenges for Practice
- Module 05 - Self Assessment
- Loops - Introduction to Problem
- Counter Loops
- Use of Counter Variable in Counter Loop
- Coding Challenges for Practice (Counter Loops)
- Conditional Loops
- Conditional Loop as Counter Loop
- Coding Challenges for Practice (Conditional Loops)
- Loops - Working Example
- Loops - Working Example - Format String
- Loops - Working Example - Sum of First 100 Numbers
- Dependent and Independent Sub Problems
- Coding Challenges for Practice
- Fibonnaci Series - Working Example
- Fibonacci Series - Working Example with Function
- Lab Manual: Counter and Conditional Loops
- Coding Challenges for Practice
- Module 06 - Self Assessment
- Why do we need Lists in Python
- Lists - Declaring and Storing Values in Lists
- Accessing Values of the List
- Lists - Finding Values in Traditional Way
- Lists - Finding Value in Lists - Improved Code
- Lists - Finding Values in Lists - Python Way
- Coding Challenges for Practice
- Strings in Python
- Strings as Lists and Validations
- List Operations - Negative Indexing and Slicing
- List Operations - Concatenation, Deletion and String Split
- List Operations - Copying Vs Aliasing
- List Comprehension
- List Comprehension - Working Example
- Lab Manual: Lists, String as Lists and List Comprehension
- Coding Challenges for Practice
- Module 07 - Self Assessment
- Introduction to Data frames in Python
- Data Frames - Loading and Printing Data
- Data Frames - Loading and Printing Data - Working Example
- Data Frames - Row Index
- Data Frames - Projection and Selection
- Data Frames - Selection on Rows
- Data Frames - Independent Functions
- Data Frames - Add New Product
- Data Frames - Update and Delete a Product
- Lab Manual: Data Frames
- Coding Challenges for Practice
- Module 09 - Self Assessment
- Project - Introduction and Requirements
- Project - Data Layer
- Project - User Interface - Main Menu
- Project - User Interface - Show All Products Menu
- Project - User Interface - Formatting Output
- Project - User Interface - Add New Product
- Project - Continuous Running of Program
- Project - User Interface - Delete a Product
- Project - User Interface - Update Product