Python Master Class

$ 35Free
Python Master Class

About Course

Embark on a transformative learning experience with "Python Master Class" where we redefine the way programming skills are cultivated. The course isn't just a label; it's a promise of hands-on, project-based learning that equips you with the prowess to solve real-world problems effectively.

The list of Modules are:

  • Motivation to Learn Programming and Computer Science
  • Writing First Program in Python
  • Converting Input into Output With Expressions
  • Code Reusability with your own as well as Functions of other developers
  • Complex Decision Making with Conditional Statements
  • Repetition and Loops to solve complex problems
  • Lists: Time to Handle Large Number of Records
  • Dictionaries:  Efficient data storage with keys
  • Data Frames: Structured data storage
  • Point of Sales Project.

After covering each module, you will be able to develop a small part of the console-based business application. Next module will help you to appreciate the contents when you will know how this helps you to further improve the project. After completing 10 modules, you will be able to develop full fledged console-based business applications.

Stop Worrying & Start Learning Python Programming with Us !!!

Course content

videoIntroduction to Python Master ClassFree
videoSoftwares and its Types
videoComputers and Power of Programming
videoBinary and High Level Languages
videoInterpreter VS Compiler
videoModule 01 - Self Assessment
videoSetting up Python environment
videoFirst Program in Python - Display Output on Console
videoFirst Program in Python - Display Output on Console - Implementation
videoLab Manual: Python Installation
videoLab Manual: Installing Visual Studio Code and Configuring Extensions
videoLab Manual: Displaying Name, City, and Location on Console in Python
videoCoding Challenges for Practice
videoModule 02 - Self Assessment
videoVariables in Python
videoDatatypes in Python
videoInput & Output - Working Example
videoInput, Processing and Output Cycle
videoInput, Processing and Output Cycle - Working Example
videoLab Manual: Input, Processing and Output
videoCoding Challenges for Practice
videoModule 03 - Self Assessment
videoReusability with Functions
videoFunctions with Return Value
videoFunctions with Return Value - Working Example
videoDiscount Function - Working Example
videoLab Manual: Writing Functions in Python
videoCoding Challenges for Practice
videoModule 04 - Self Assessment
videoIF Condition in Python
videoMultiple IF Conditions
videoBoolean Expressions and Comparison Operators
videoComparison Operators
videoNumerical Comparison Operators - Working Example
videoIF - Else Block
videoMutiple Else-IF - Elif Blocks
videoUnderstanding the Problem of Multiple Conditions
videoLab Manual: Simple Conditional Statements
videoCoding Challenges for Practice
videoNested If Statements
videoAND Logical Operator
videoLogical Gates and Truth Table
videoLogical Operators - Working Example
videoComplex Boolean Conditions
videoComplex Boolean Conditions with Multiple IFs
videoLogical Operators Precedence
videoConditional Statements Roll Up
videoLab Manual: Complex Conditional Statements
videoCoding Challenges for Practice
videoModule 05 - Self Assessment
videoLoops - Introduction to Problem
videoCounter Loops
videoUse of Counter Variable in Counter Loop
videoCoding Challenges for Practice (Counter Loops)
videoConditional Loops
videoConditional Loop as Counter Loop
videoCoding Challenges for Practice (Conditional Loops)
videoLoops - Working Example
videoLoops - Working Example - Format String
videoLoops - Working Example - Sum of First 100 Numbers
videoDependent and Independent Sub Problems
videoCoding Challenges for Practice
videoFibonnaci Series - Working Example
videoFibonacci Series - Working Example with Function
videoLab Manual: Counter and Conditional Loops
videoCoding Challenges for Practice
videoModule 06 - Self Assessment
videoWhy do we need Lists in Python
videoLists - Declaring and Storing Values in Lists
videoAccessing Values of the List
videoLists - Finding Values in Traditional Way
videoLists - Finding Value in Lists - Improved Code
videoLists - Finding Values in Lists - Python Way
videoCoding Challenges for Practice
videoStrings in Python
videoStrings as Lists and Validations
videoList Operations - Negative Indexing and Slicing
videoList Operations - Concatenation, Deletion and String Split
videoList Operations - Copying Vs Aliasing
videoList Comprehension
videoList Comprehension - Working Example
videoLab Manual: Lists, String as Lists and List Comprehension
videoCoding Challenges for Practice
videoModule 07 - Self Assessment
videoDictionaries in Python
videoManipulating dictionaries in Python - Working Example
videoLab Manual: Dictionaries
videoCoding Challenges for Practice
videoModule 08 - Self Assessment
videoIntroduction to Data frames in Python
videoData Frames - Loading and Printing Data
videoData Frames - Loading and Printing Data - Working Example
videoData Frames - Row Index
videoData Frames - Projection and Selection
videoData Frames - Selection on Rows
videoData Frames - Independent Functions
videoData Frames - Add New Product
videoData Frames - Update and Delete a Product
videoLab Manual: Data Frames
videoCoding Challenges for Practice
videoModule 09 - Self Assessment
videoProject - Introduction and Requirements
videoProject - Data Layer
videoProject - User Interface - Main Menu
videoProject - User Interface - Show All Products Menu
videoProject - User Interface - Formatting Output
videoProject - User Interface - Add New Product
videoProject - Continuous Running of Program
videoProject - User Interface - Delete a Product
videoProject - User Interface - Update Product
videoModule 10 - Final Assessment



Course Instructor

  • I have 25 years of experience in programming and 20 years in teaching.
  • My Main goal is to help people discover their best selves in all aspects of life – mentally, socially, physically and spiritually.
  • I believe that by fostering growth in these areas, we can contribute to a thriving society and achieve success in both this world and the hereafter.
  • I'm dedicated to guiding individuals in unlocking their full potential and leading a fulfilling life.