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Develop Programming and Problem Solving Skills with C++
  • Do you want to be a Web Developer, Android Developer or Game Developer?
  • Do you want to be a Data Scientist, AI Expert or Cybersecurity expert?
  • Do you want to land in big companies like Google, Microsoft or Facebook?
  • Or Do you want to work as a freelancer or start your own software company?

All these dreams have one thing in common, and that is Programming!

But, According to statistics, only 20% of the students in a class are able to learn programming. The reason is not the limited cognitive ability of the learners but the traditional ways of teaching the subject.

We believe that learning is only by doing. you can learn programming only when you do it but traditional courses and contents just teach teach and teach...

After 25 years of programming, and 20 years of teaching experience we have designed the programming contents based on best teaching techniques and neuroscience methods.

  • First distinguishing factor in our approach is that we have divided complex and large learning modules into very small learning objectives. Each learning objective requires only more or less 5 minutes of instructions. So, in just five minutes you will grasp the concept and you will start doing the exercises. Therefore, we call these learning objectives “biteable”. In this way, you will practice, practice and practice and this will make you perfect in programming.
  • Second major factor is that all these small biteable learning objectives are connected. After completing certain learning objectives you will make some real world applications. This will give you the motivation and reason for learning and will show you how all these smaller components actually make the real time applications.
  • Third factor is that we are following Project Based Learning. All the instructions in the Learning Objectives based on the problem solving techniques will lead you towards developing different real life projects.
  • Fourth but most important factor is that our goal is not only to teach you the programming language but the main objective is to make you think like a programmer. During these courses, we will train your mind such that whenever you will see an application, website, game or any computer software you will be able to think how it can be developed.

So, Let's together start the journey of turning your dream of becoming a programmer into reality.