Computational Thinking with Scratch

Duration 7 h 8 s

$ 20Free
Computational Thinking with Scratch

About Course

Course Title: Computational Thinking with Scratch

Course Description:

Unlock your child's creativity and problem-solving skills with our engaging course, Computational Thinking with Scratch! Designed for young learners, this course introduces the basics of programming and computational thinking through the fun and interactive platform, Scratch. Whether your child is a beginner or has some experience with coding, this course provides an exciting pathway to develop essential 21st-century skills.

What You Will Learn:

Introduction to Scratch:

  • Learn how to install Scratch and navigate its user-friendly interface.
  • Discover the extensive Block Library and Block Editor.
  • Explore the Stage, manage Sprites, and understand how to change their direction and location.
  • Master saving and organizing your projects.

Sprites and Backdrops:

  • Work with different Sprites and Backdrops to create dynamic scenes.
  • Customize Sprites with various costumes and add engaging sounds.
  • Develop your very own Pacman game by creating Pacman, Backdrops, Ghosts, and Pills.


  • Understand fundamental programming concepts such as Move, Turn, Glide, Say, and Switch Costumes.
  • Enhance your Pacman game by programming Ghost movements and adding interactive features.


  • Learn how to trigger actions with events like "When the Flag is clicked," "When timer is greater than 2," and "When Key is Pressed."
  • Control Pacman's movement with arrow keys and animate Ghosts when the flag is clicked.


  • Implement loops to create continuous actions in your projects.
  • Program Pacman and Ghosts to move and switch costumes forever, and add sound effects.
  • Remember to comment your code and save your work frequently.


  • Utilize If Else blocks to make decisions in your code, like moving steps when touching the mouse pointer or detecting color.
  • Ensure Pacman moves within the maze, constantly updates movement, and detects when it collides with Ghosts.
  • Learn to create custom code blocks for better organization and reusability.

Values and Variables:

  • Incorporate variables to add interactive elements like a timer and score.
  • Program Pacman to collect food pallets, track score, and introduce random Ghost appearances.

By the end of this course, kids will have created a fully functional Pacman game while gaining a solid foundation in programming concepts. Our step-by-step approach ensures that learners not only understand the how but also the why behind each concept, fostering a deeper appreciation for computational thinking.

Why Choose This Course?

  • Interactive and Fun: Learning to code is made enjoyable through engaging projects and hands-on activities.
  • Build Real Skills: Develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.
  • Supportive Community: Join a community of young learners and experienced instructors.
  • No Prior Experience Needed: Perfect for beginners with easy-to-follow lessons and plenty of support.

Enroll today and embark on a creative coding adventure that will inspire a lifelong love of learning and innovation!

Course content

videoWhat is Scratch and its Installation11 m 7 s
videoScratch Interface5 m 3 s
videoChanging Direction and Location of Sprites13 m 23 s
videoSaving and Organizing Projects5 m 25 s
videoScratch Workbook: Introduction to Scratch and its features
videoGame Time: Pacman2 m 11 s
videoWorking with different Sprites and Backdrops5 m 36 s
videoCustomizing Sprites with Costumes and Sounds6 m 7 s
videoScratch Workbook: Sprites, Backdrops, Costumes and Sounds
videoGame Time: Create Pacman Sprite7 m 10 s
videoGame Time: Create Ghost Sprite9 m 19 s
videoGame Time: Create Backdrop9 m 50 s
videoMoving a Sprite3 m 12 s
videoMoving and Turning a Sprite4 m 20 s
videoGliding a Sprite12 m 17 s
videoAdding Comments in Scratch3 m 14 s
videoSaying Hello in Scratch3 m 16 s
videoAnimated Story of Centaur8 m 41 s
videoScratch Workbook: Functions or Blocks
videoGame Time: Ghosts Movement8 m 7 s
videoWhen Flag is Clicked3 m 53 s
videoWhen Timer is Greater Than Some Value3 m 39 s
videoWhen Key is Pressed5 m 14 s
videoWhen Sprite is Clicked3 m 47 s
videoScratch Workbook: Events
videoGame Time: Controlling Pacman's Movement with Arrow Keys6 m 5 s
videoGame Time: Starting Ghosts Movement When Flag is Clicked2 m 13 s
videoMove a Sprite Forever8 m 22 s
videoMove a Sprite in Circle Forever3 m 36 s
videoChange Costume of a Sprite Repeatedly9 m 8 s
videoMove Towards Mouse Pointer Forever8 m 10 s
videoScratch Workbook: Loops
videoGame Time: Switch Pacman Costumes2 m 40 s
videoGame Time: Move Ghosts Forever2 m 20 s
videoGame Time: Don't Forget to Add Comments and Save the Progress1 m 48 s
videoUsing If Else blocks to make Decisions: Move 10 Steps If Touching Mouse Pointer7 m 12 s
videoSay Something If Touching a Specific Color15 m 30 s
videoMultiple Conditions: If Touching a Specific Sprite and If Size is Greater Than Some Value18 m 4 s
videoScratch Workbook: Conditions
videoGame Time: Ensuring Pacman's Continuous Movement8 m 2 s
videoGame Time: Locking Pacman inside the Maze6 m 6 s
videoGame Time: Detect Pacman Collision with Ghosts7 m 26 s
videoGame Time: Creating your own Code Blocks For Efficient Code Organization and Usage3 m 53 s
videoSay Timer Value5 m 44 s
videoCount How many Times a Sprite is Clicked8 m 5 s
videoAdd Score - Sea Diver Game13 m 14 s
videoScratch Workbook: Values and Variables
videoGame Time: Add Pills and Score10 m 5 s
videoGame Time: Add Random Ghost9 m 56 s
videoGame Time: Make the Random Ghost Move Smoothly8 m 37 s
videoGame Time: Adding Pacman Lives6 m 53 s
videoGame Time: Game Over Message10 m 52 s
videoGame Time: You Win Message11 m 16 s
videoGalaxy Crystal Collector1 h 30 m
videoStarter File
videoGalaxy Crystal Collector



Course Instructor

  • I have 25 years of experience in programming and 20 years in teaching.
  • My Main goal is to help people discover their best selves in all aspects of life – mentally, socially, physically and spiritually.
  • I believe that by fostering growth in these areas, we can contribute to a thriving society and achieve success in both this world and the hereafter.
  • I'm dedicated to guiding individuals in unlocking their full potential and leading a fulfilling life.